Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Girl and her Furry Kitty

A girl and her furry kitty.  She's got some awesome socks there and her sweater looks like it matches her kitty.

One striking thing here is that I can't really tell if it's her kitty's tail or hers.  Could this be a real life furry?  I don't see any cat ears on her though so probably not but since most of her is hidden you can at least speculate otherwise.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Cat Perched on Chest

I think this cat has the right idea. Well at least a little bit.  Do you think she might be using a shelf bra?  Because is sure looks like she's being used like a shelf.

What would happen if someone else came along with s similar sized rack?  Would kitty go from girl to girl making sure it had the best seat in the house?

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Pretty Kitten with Hottie

Never can figure out why people hide their faces when they take pictures of themselves (or have others take pictures of them).

Even with this I'm sure this girl is super cute. Just look at the hair!

Of course the kitten is possibly still cuter.  Just look at those adorable eyes.